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How Badly an Aggravated DUI Could Toll Your Life?

Aggravated DUI is more dangerous because a person dies as a result of it every 52 minutes. Drunk driving has resulted in the deaths of over 10,000 American citizens. Driving while intoxicated can be hazardous to you and other occupants and road users. Aggravated DUI can end you in rollover accidents, T-bone collisions, head-on collisions or rear end collisions.

Aggravated DUI charges and penalties

If proven, aggravated DUI could result in license suspension, a fine, and jail time. Multiple aggravated DUI offenses, inebriated driving while under the age of 21, high blood alcohol level, refusing to take the test, driving with a revoked or suspended license, and other offenses will aggravate the situation if caught by the police. Most of the time, driving under the influence will result in a collision. Driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious offense in the eyes of the court, and it will be reflected in the litigation you are involved in. You could be charged with a felony or a misdemeanor and have to pay a fine.

An aggravated DUI case may result in a short-term license suspension and a short jail sentence. Community service and fines may also be imposed as penalties. If you cause serious injuries or death to the victims, you may face a longer prison sentence as well as compensation for the victims. If you're inebriated, don't get behind the wheel. Having a child in your vehicle while inebriated driving will result in the least amount of jail time.

Alcohol education classes, vehicle seizure, revoked or suspended license, jail time, fines, increased vehicle insurance, and installation of an ignition interlock device in the vehicle are the penalties. The IID will be linked to the ignition system of the vehicle. When you blow into the IID's mouthpiece, it analyses your blood alcohol level and automatically locks the ignition.

BAC Limits and Driving under the influence of drugs

The alcohol level should not exceed 0.08 percent during the blood, breath, or urine test. The breath test will most likely be performed using a breathalyzer. Blowing into the device will result in an analysis of the blood alcohol concentration. In extreme cases, blood and urine tests will be conducted to confirm the BAC level. Even after weeks of use, drug traces will remain in your body. Using heroin, marijuana, cocaine, or LSD while driving will be considered a serious offense.

What to do if you are a victim of an aggravated DUI accident?

If you were involved in an accident caused by a drunk driver, report the drunk driver to the police. Take a photograph or video of the drunken driver to prove that he was intoxicated at the time of the collision. Collect as much evidence as possible from the accident scene and record the details and statements of the witnesses. Seek medical attention as soon as possible. Having your injuries and pain symptoms documented with an emergency medical service will be useful in proving your injuries. Your claim will be strengthened if you can demonstrate that the at-fault driver's BAC level exceeded the legal limit.


Whether you are a victim or a convict, you will need the assistance of an aggravated DUI lawyer to guide you through the process. As a victim, you can obtain as much compensation as possible by proving the crime. With the assistance of an experienced attorney, you can try to win the case, plead for a lesser charge, or have your case dismissed as a convicted person.




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