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Reasons Why Chiropractic Massage Therapy Is Getting More Popular

Did you sustain any injuries as a result of the accident? Have your pain medications failed to provide you with relief? To see results, try chiropractic massage therapy. According to the American Chiropractic Association, approximately 35 million Americans receive chiropractic care each year. The majority of them found the therapy to be very effective. If you choose chiropractic therapy over other therapies, you could save up to 60% of your hospital visits and even cut your chances of surgery in half.

Chiropractic therapy vs. physical therapy

Chiropractic therapy combines therapy and manipulation to achieve the best possible outcome in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. Chiropractic massage therapy alleviates pain and stiffness associated with joint and spine adjustments. It is more effective in the treatment of neck and back pain, headaches, and connective tissue disorders like damages to the ligaments, tendons, etc. It can only be done in a hospital or clinic setting. Massage therapy improves the functions and mobility of the body. It can be done anywhere, including schools, offices, homes, and clinics.

Benefits of chiropractic care

Chiropractic massage therapy relieves pain and reduces the need for opioids. Because excessive opioid use can lead to opioid addiction, this therapy can help people suffering from chronic pain. It is used to treat chronic back and neck pain, as well as osteoarthritis symptoms. It reduces the likelihood of invasive surgeries and prevents disease conditions like herniated discs from worsening. It also aids in posture improvement by treating scoliosis, lumbar lordosis straightening, and hyperlordosis.

Chiropractic techniques

Chiropractic massage therapy uses a variety of techniques to treat everything from mild spasms to chronic pain.

·         Reflexology treats various organs by applying pressure to the nerve ends in the feet and hands. It treats everything from hormonal imbalances to back pain.

·         Craniosacral therapy unblocks the cerebrospinal fluid and assists the nervous system in healing itself. This can be used to treat everything from fibromyalgia to digestive disorders.

·         Myofascial release relieves pain in myofascial tissues while also improving circulation and range of motion.

·         Hot stone massage treats anxiety, muscle stress, autoimmune diseases, and improves circulation by using hot volcanic basalt rocks.

·         Cupping therapy employs the use of cups made of metal, glass, or silicon to suck the area of pain in order to relieve stress, pain, hormone imbalance, and asthma.

·         Lymphatic drainage massage reduces the amount of lymph fluid accumulated in tissues following injuries and surgeries.

·         Graston therapy employs the use of equipment to break down scar tissues. It stretches the connective tissues to restore muscle and soft tissue function.

·         Swedish massage improves blood circulation by using gentle strokes toward the heart.


Chiropractic massage therapy treats nervous and musculoskeletal disorders with a variety of strokes. When massage techniques and chiropractic manipulations are combined, they are very effective. Because it is non-invasive and non-drug therapy, most people choose it to avoid aggravating their disease and injuries.




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