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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): claim and reparation

Something which we often simplify and debase as stress. It’s about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It develops in response to a traumatic incident like an accident, workplace injury, or physical abuse. Such traumatic events could make an individual feel afraid, shocked, and powerless. Serious injury, death and sexual violation can trigger post traumatic disorder.

Symptoms of PTSD

Physical symptoms of PTSD include headaches, sweating and shivering, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, and a loss of immunity. Direct trauma experience like truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, bicycle accidents, fatal car accidents, witnessing the event, learning about the traumatic event sustained by a close relative or friend, and repeated exposure to distressing details of the trauma may all trigger PTSD. It may result in distressing recollections of the traumatic event, vivid nightmares, recurring flashbacks, and haunting dreams or nightmares. People suffering from PTSD would avoid places or people associated with the traumatic event, or they would refuse to discuss the event.

Diagnosis and treatment

Other mental disorders, such as major depressive disorder, acute stress disorder, adjustment disorder, panic disorder, anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder, and alcohol use disorder, frequently accompany PTSD. Psychotherapy, psychological counselling, and medications are used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. Exposure therapy and cognitive restructuring are used in PTSD psychotherapy. Medications include antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications such as citalopram, amitriptyline, isocarboxazid, and others. Support and care from loved ones would also assist the individual in regaining his footing.

Personal injury claims for PTSD and the role of expert testimony

In personal injury litigation, PTSD is accepted as the basis for an emotional distress claim. Compensation for PTSD falls under the umbrella of general damages in personal injury law. Because mental agony is not measurable like physical pain and suffering, damages in personal injury cases involving PTSD must be established through expert testimony. The diagnosis of the condition is critical in any PTSD personal injury claim. Medical documentation also would be helpful.

An expert witness testifies about facts that would normally be associated with PTSD. In such cases, expert witness testimony would be presented by both the plaintiff and the defendant. The defendant's expert may attempt to establish that the plaintiff's condition is unrelated to PTSD or that it was pre-existing.

Worker’s comp, Veterans and PTSD

Work-related PTSD is frequently reported in first responders such as firefighters, EMTs, police officers, paramedics, health care workers, and others. To be eligible for workers' compensation benefits for PTSD, a licenced physician or psychologist must diagnose the condition in accordance with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Veterans suffering from PTSD are eligible for veterans disability compensation (VA) from the US Department of Veterans Affairs. A qualified VA disability lawyer can assist the veteran in obtaining the compensation.

In a PTSD claim, it is critical to consult with an attorney who understands PTSD and its interactions with other conditions. This would assist the plaintiff in receiving the maximum amount of benefits available.





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