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Why are motorcycle accidents on the rise?

Riding your motorcycle on the road does not provide limitless freedom but rather freedom with responsibilities. I'm not here to blame motorcycle riders for increasing motorcycle accidents. According to statistics, there was a 33% increase in motorcycle accidents in the urban area between 2009 and 2018. Let us hope that the use of safety equipment such as helmets, gloves, boots, and inflatable suits, among other things, will help to reduce motorcycle fatalities in the near future.

Causes of motorcycle collisions

Overspeeding and reckless riding or driving, lack of visibility, tailgating, inclement weather conditions, driving under the influence of alcohol, changing lanes, careless turning at intersections, defective motorcycle parts, riding between passing vehicles and parked cars, and a propensity to overtake between the vehicles are all valid reasons for motorcycle accidents. The motorcycles are so small in comparison to the massive 18-wheelers. When motorcycles enter truck drivers' blind spots, they are unable to see them, resulting in catastrophic truck accidents. When making a left turn, even car drivers are unable to see the riders, resulting in car accidents.

Injuries from Motorcycle accident

Road rash is the most common injury in all motorcycle accidents. If left untreated, it can lead to serious infections. Some road rashes on the face or visible parts of the body can cause disfigurement. A motorcycle accident can result in traumatic brain injuries, brain hemorrhage, or head injuries due to a heavy fall or throw-off. Spinal injuries and internal injuries, such as broken ribs, can be aggravated when nerves are damaged, or the broken bones damage internal organs.

Immediate steps to be taken after a motorcycle accident

It is impossible to avoid getting into an accident when riding on the road. In the event of an accident, call the police and paramedics. To avoid further damage to your injuries, never remove your protective gear in a hurry. If you intend to file a lawsuit, share the information and gather information. Seek medical attention right away to avoid further injury. To pursue your claim, contact a motorcycle accident attorney.

Motorcycle accident lawsuit

Motorcycle accident laws and the minimum age for obtaining a motorcycle license vary by state. When there is an accident, most insurance companies and defendants make the rider the scapegoat. You may be entitled to compensation under your state's negligence law. You can seek compensation for medical expenses, lost earnings, lost earning capacity, and pain and suffering.


Many people prefer motorcycles to cars because they are easier to handle and park. The riders should obey traffic laws, refrain from tailgating, and avoid overtaking in congested areas. Wearing safety equipment will keep you safe from injuries and death. A fast two-wheeler can easily skid and become unbalanced. Rather than being bedridden, riding your motorcycle skillfully on the road will allow you to enjoy your ride for a long time. Have a safe journey!





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