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Facet Joint Injuries and Personal Injury Lawsuits: How to Claim?

The facet joints, or zygapophyseal joints, are vital components of the vertebral column, distinct from intervertebral disks and forming part of the vertebral arches. These joints are highly susceptible to injuries, particularly in the subaxial cervical spine, but also in thoracic and lumbar regions.

Common triggers for facet joint damage range from stooping and abrupt twisting to repetitive movements, sports incidents, falls, and lifting heavy objects. Age-related cartilage degeneration is also a contributing factor.

It's easy to mistake the symptoms of disc herniation for those related to facet joint pain, especially when bone spurs lead to nerve compression, causing radiating pain in the arms or legs. The diagnostic process often begins with a physical exam, followed by imaging tests such as X-rays, MRIs, CTs, and SPECTs. However, imaging is not always conclusive for detecting facet joint injuries.

For a more accurate diagnosis, physicians often employ facet joint injections, combining local anesthetic and corticosteroid treatments. A reduction in pain post-injection can confirm the diagnosis rapidly.

Initial treatments for minor facet joint injuries generally focus on conservative, non-surgical methods such as physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medications. Additional treatments may include muscle relaxants, lidocaine injections, Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA), and medial branch blocks. Surgery is usually the last resort for severe facet joint issues.

Facet joint injuries are particularly common in multi-vehicle accidents, notably rear-end collisions. These injuries can lead to degenerative spinal disorders like facet joint syndrome if not properly addressed. In personal injury claims involving facet joint injuries, obtaining compensation can be challenging due to the inconclusive nature of imaging studies. Therefore, retaining an attorney specialized in facet joint injury claims is crucial for securing reimbursement for lost income, medical bills, and emotional suffering.


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