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Medical Error – Facts and Figures You Should Know

Navigating the Complex Landscape of Medical Errors: Causes, Types, and Legal Remedies

A medical error occurs when a healthcare provider, such as a physician, nurse, or physical therapist, commits a mistake that adversely affects a patient. These errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States, costing the nation trillions of dollars in compensation annually.

Types of Medical Errors

Surgical Blunders: These include unintended nerve or organ damage, incorrect incisions, excessive anesthesia, and inadequate post-operative care, among others. Such surgical errors can have severe, life-threatening consequences.

Pharmaceutical Missteps: Errors related to incorrect medication prescriptions, incorrect dosages, or harmful drug interactions fall under this category. Medical professionals across the board, from physicians to pharmacists, bear the responsibility for these errors.

Diagnostic Delays or Errors: Failing to identify a medical condition or focusing solely on one diagnosis while overlooking another constitutes diagnostic errors. These mistakes can lead to devastating outcomes, such as death or permanent disability.

Defective Medical Equipment: When subpar medical devices cause harm, both the manufacturer and distributor could be held liable for the ensuing damages.

Acquired Infections: Infections contracted within healthcare facilities can exacerbate a patient's already fragile condition, leading to severe complications like septic shock and organ failure.

It's essential to note that not all medical errors result from healthcare professional negligence. Sometimes, patient negligence contributes to adverse outcomes. Should you find yourself affected by a medical error, consult with a seasoned medical malpractice attorney and expert witnesses to bolster your claim.


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